Aims and Objectives

The main aim of “Youth Employability Stimulators of Tomorrow” is to train, empower and improve professional competences of youth workers, youth leaders and professionals in the youth sector to successfully work through non-formal education on improving the entrepreneurial, employability and transversal skills of young people they work with within their organisations and communities as a way to combat youth unemployment and promote active participation in democratic life and the labour market in Europe.

In order to address the issues and needs of organisations, youth workers and their local communities as well as to reach its aim the project has the following objectives:

  • To raise awareness about the common European problem of youth unemployment by exploring its roots and challenges as well as the social, political and economic consequences of it on our societies
  • To explore and compare current situations and different models in European countries regarding unemployment and share experiences and good practices of supporting youth entrepreneurship and addressing youth unemployment
  • To increase participants’ knowledge and skills on using NFL activities and methods as tools to boost young people’s entrepreneurial, practical and transversal skills that can ultimately lead towards employment or starting their own business
  • To reflect on one’s own role as a youth worker and the role of organisations to support young people in recognizing and gaining competences for employability
  • To provide participants with information about possible European funding and support programmes for tackling unemployment, such as: EURES, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, European Social Fund, EU programme for Employment and Social Innovation and others
  • To explore and promote youth entrepreneurship while in the same time provide knowledge about entrepreneurship and business development process: from the identification of an idea or a need, through its development to management
  • To foster sustainable international cooperation and networks, capacity and partnership building in the youth field working with youth unemployment, employability and entrepreneurship
  • To promote Erasmus+ Programme as platform and Youthpass as recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning as important processes for getting new skills that boost employability.